Important dates and information
- Submission deadline: March 17, 2025, at 11:59 PM
- Confirmation of abstract acceptance: end of June
- Registration at preferential rate: September 4 (inclusive)
- Online program: end of June (on the website)
- Format of the 2025 congress: from Monday, to Wednesday
Submission on the platform
Please read the excerpt from the regulations below carefully before submission :
- All submissions are made for the SOFCOT congress. The allocation of accepted communications will be conducted by SOFCOT and specialty societies to distribute them across the various communication sessions during the SOFCOT and specialty day.
- Any work printed or presented in a previous year to an associated or partner society cannot be presented at the congress.
- Communications from French teams must include at least one up-to-date member of SOFCOT among the authors.
- Communications presented by industrialists must include at least one orthopedic surgeon among the authors.
- Any oral presentation (or e-poster) not made by the principal author (or one of their co-authors) will result in exclusion for the following two years.
- Presentations must not contain any slides expressing a political viewpoint.
- Declaration of conflicts of interest is mandatory for each co-author.
- A declaration of the use of artificial intelligence is also mandatory for each abstract.
Please note: You can submit as many communications as you wish, but a maximum of 3 communications per department and per theme will be selected.
If you wish to present a communication at the Cercle Nicolas Andry, please write directly to
Instructions for abstract writing:
- The abstract text must not exceed 3,000 characters (including spaces) and should not include any tables or figures. It should be presented as single-spaced text. Your abstract must be in French (except for international surgeons who may submit an abstract in English, speak in English but with a PowerPoint written in French).
The submission platform will also be available in English. This option is reserved for international submitters only and should not be used by French teams.
- It must report the results of clinical or experimental research and be presented according to the following plan:
- Introduction: where established facts on the subject and especially the objective of your work are specified.
- Material and Methods: clinical or experimental, describing the studied population or sample.
- Operating methods, measurement, clinical evaluation, experimental, etc...
- Results: reported without commentary or discussion.
- Discussion: focusing on the response to the work objective, the methodology used, the position of the information provided in relation to previously published works.
- Conclusion: for potential prospective deductions and clinical implications of experimental research.
- Unauthorized case report
Failure to comply with these rules will prevent the Review Committee from scoring and therefore selecting the submitted work
Instructions for abstract presentation:
- Title of the abstract: Never all in capital letters. Only capitals required by international standards are accepted (acronyms, abbreviations...).
- Author(s) of the abstract: Names and surnames never all in capital letters.
- Since the choice of communications is anonymous, the title and text of the abstract must not contain any mention allowing the identification of the origin of the work. Identifying the department leads to a score of 0 and thus to the exclusion of the abstract.
- All co-authors must agree with the submitted abstract.
Any failure to comply with these rules will prevent the Review Committee from scoring and therefore selecting the submitted work.
CONGRESS AWARDS presented to the best works presented by an author under 35 years old
(*) To participate in an award: Communication accepted for the congress and presented by an author under 35 years old. The winners will be chosen by a jury based on the PowerPoint presentation of the abstract, which must be sent to the Society Secretariat ( before September 11th.
Please note, any application that does not meet the criteria will not be considered
SOFCOT Prize for the best communication (*): €2,000
This prize rewards the best communication.
RELYENS Prize for risk management in orthopedics (*): €2,500
This prize rewards the best communication addressing risk management in orthopedics.
Innovation and Research Frantz Langlais Prize (*): €2000
Prize awarded by FICOT (Foundation for Innovation in Orthopedics and Traumatology)
This prize is awarded to an author of a fundamental (preferably) or clinical research work, by a French author under 35 years old.